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How much do Estee Lauder Companies Inc employees make?

The average salary at Estee Lauder Companies Inc ranges from $58,,144 to $167,,070 a year. Employees make an average of $58,,144 to $167,,070 a year. The title with the highest average salary is Executive Director, with an average of $179,,644, while the title with the lowest average salary is Process Engineer, with an average of $83,,584.

Where can I find Estee Lauder Companies Inc annual reports?

ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES INC annual reports of executive compensation and pay are most commonly found in the Def 14a documents. Total Equity aggregates grant date fair value of stock and option awards and long term incentives granted during the fiscal year.

Does Estée Lauder pay tax?

THE ESTÉE LAUDER COMPANIES INC. Earnings from the Company’s global operations are subject to tax in various jurisdictions both within and outside the United States. The Company participates in the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) Compliance Assurance Program (“CAP”).

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